📄️ Age of Imperviousness
Impervious surface by estimated date of conversion. Used to estimate level of current stormwater treatment.
📄️ Flow Duration Index
Dimensionless index indicating level of flow control needed to match forest hydrology.
📄️ HSPF Land Cover Type
Land cover classified by categories used in HSPF/WWHM
📄️ Hydrologic Response Units
Units of common soils, land cover, and slope used in continuous simulation modeling.
📄️ Imperviousness
Percent impervious land cover
📄️ Land Cover
1-meter resolution land cover classification
📄️ Land Use
Department of Commerce Master Land Use Category
📄️ Pollutant Concentration
Predicted Pollutant Concentration
📄️ Pollutant Load
Predicted Mean Annual Pollutant Load
📄️ Population Density
2010 Census, population density
📄️ Precipitation
Mean annual precipitation (1970-1999)
📄️ Runoff
Mean annual runoff calculated through continuous simulation for the period 1970-1999.
📄️ Slope
Continuous ground surface slope in degrees
📄️ Slope Categories
Categorized ground surface slope
📄️ Soils
Hydrologic Soil Group
📄️ Traffic
Mean Annual Average Daily Trips